

灌装机 打码机 贴标机 热收缩包装机 旋盖机 装盒机 喷码机 墨轮标示机

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首页 > 供应产品 > CH-220全自动平面不干胶贴标机
产品: 浏览次数:79CH-220全自动平面不干胶贴标机 
品牌: 友联
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-09-07

    主机采用步进电机驱动,三菱(日本)PLC控制系统,台达(**)触控式人界面, keyence光纤(日本)器件等原装进口部件,汇集了众多**技术,使之成为业界具有技术优势的产品之一。微电脑自动控制,界面友善的触摸屏人机接口,精巧的机械结构,使操作简单,功能强大;可实现标签数量设定、下计数、印字控制、贴标控制、断标、缺标、无色带等异常情况自动检测及报警等功能;随机产能显示及标签数量管理;标签松紧调节;标签长度及间隙诸;主机高度及前后位置调节;可选配色带打码机一台;贴标及标签检测光电管感应度调节。整机采用优质T6铝合金及SUS304不锈钢制作,做工精良,符合GMP规范。


     驱动方式 步进电机
     操作方向 右进或左进
     贴标速度 0-200 pcs/min
     瓶子直径 Ф10-100mm
     瓶子高度 25-350mm
     标签尺寸 宽:10-150mm 长:15-300mm
     贴标精度 ± 1mm (视瓶子圆真度、垂直度而定)
     标签卷**外径 Ф300mm
     标签卷内径 Ф75mm
     重量 200kg
     电源 AC110V/220V 50/60HZ 500W
     本机尺寸 20001300X1500
     印字装置 HP-260Q  (可选配)
CH-220 automatic surface labelling machine
 A summary
CH-220 model plane non-dry tape marking machine to achieve rationalization of production target and design. Labeling process automation, simple operation, the production speed is quick, labeling position, beautiful, neat, This equipment is mainly used in food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical industry, the bottle of single side or plane.
Host adopts stepping motor driver, mitsubishi (Japan) PLC control system, sets of (Taiwan) touch people interface, keyence fiber (Japan) device etc imported components, gathers numerous leading technology, make it become the industry has the advantage of technology products. Microcomputer automatic control, interface screen friendly human-machine interface, ingenious mechanical structure, make the operation simple and powerful function, Can realize tag number, counting, set print control, labeling, lack of control, marking, colorless such abnormalities automatic detection and alarm functions, Random capacity and the quantity management label, Adjust tightness labels, The length and tags, Host height and adjust position before, Optional ribbon typewriter one, Labeling and tag with reaction degree detection. The machine adopts high-quality T6 aluminum and stainless steel SUS304, well made, in conformity with the requirements of GMP.
Technical parameter
Driver stepping motor Operation right or left
Poster speed 0-200 PCS/min
A bottle Ф 10 - diameter 100mm
Height 25-350mm bottle
Label size wide 10-15-150mm long 300mm
Labeling accuracy ± 1mm (depending on the bottle, circular degree, vertical degree,
Maximum diameter volume label Ф 300mm
Coil diameter Ф 75mm label
Weight 200kg
Power supply AC110V / 220V / 500W 60HZ
This 20001300X1500 size
Printing device HP 260Q - (optional)
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